2015 fire drill
Report on the company’s fire drill
To effectively strengthen the company’s daily safety work, and improve the employees’ fire safety, safety protection and self-help ability, the company held a fire emergency drill activity themed by “Safe development, prevention first” in 2015. The department leaders and all the staff of the company participated in the drill. Before the drill, the Production Department and Administrative Department carefully prepared the drill program in combination with the company’s actual conditions, and defined the responsibility requirements to ensure success of the drill.
The main contents of the drill training included: explanation of fire extinguishment method in case of a fire; notification of the layout of the company’s fire facilities; live demonstration of use of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants, and organization of actual operation by the staff; explanation and drill of emergency evacuation and escape method in case of a fire.
During the drill training, explanation and demonstration from daily fire safety work to the use of fire equipment were made for the staff, so that the problem of lack of fire safety knowledge for some staff members was solved, and good results were achieved.